Tuesday, 29 March 2011

a bit more about me :)

OK its now 1:40am and i am still awake watching "happy days" on TV,
While sitting here i am listening to my police scanner there is a factory fire in Albury as i type this. i dont want to move but my Staffy has just broken wind which has burnt my nostrils.
 I have a very important night coming up, i went back to school to further my studies as i left school at age 16yrs to start work. My family were so proud of me going back to school, and their support really helped me,as a grand parent going back to school was a bit daunting at first but i settled in well.

 Anyway after completing my studies i received my Cert II in General Education for Adults. As well, i also received an Outstanding Student Award.  I got a letter in the mail inviting me to a special night for something to do with school.
I forgot about the letter i had received until i got a phone call from the school asking me to be at the upcoming award night. I said i would be there only to be told I am being awarded some  institute award which has a scholarship attached to it.
Wow this was a shock, i already had a "big head" over getting the outstanding student award but this has blown it way out there.

Now i have the dilemma of working out what to study, I was thinking hairdressing or I T, so I'm going to wait until i see what the scholarship is for, then i will do my planning.
if anyone is thinking of going back to school to further their education I recommend to do it I did and i reckon it is up there with my other great achievements.

Friday, 11 March 2011

Introducing the gang cont...

Now Mrs T couldn't be Mrs without Mr M, he is my 1 and only son in law, and the father of my beautiful Master S and Miss E. When he first came over to "meet the parents" poor Mrs T was panic stricken as she had Uni and we had to pick him up from the station hahahaha, it wasn't as bad as she thought and we saved the 50 questions until she got home. We must not be too bad as Mr M  is still here.

Then comes Master S he is my very first grand child, he was the first baby born on Christmas day 2008 in our region. He is my little "dude" who is a very smart fellow, he loves pets especially Strangles and Maddie he also love Larry the lawnmower he is a boy who knows what he wants too, if Mum says no he rings Nana to dob on her.

Now for little Miss E, she is my little "dudette" she is very clever especially with her standing up trick she has learned. The only time I can cuddle Miss E and have her stay awake is in the pool where she splashes and plays and says mum mum mum when we are having our cuddle time Miss E falls asleep on me, no not because I'm boring but because of my "fluffy" build. She is my little "posh spice" when she waves like the Queen.

I also have Nan Nan (my Mum) living with me since my Dad passed away. She is wonderful some days are hard as she has dementia so she keeps us on our toes but we love her

My hubby is also in this for the long haul as well what a nut :)

I have a Staffy named Maddie what can i say about her, well she is fat wont sleep outside and loves the family. I also have a snake his name is Strangles, he loves attention from people I know deep down he wants to cuddle Mrs T but she refuses, you know I think she is scared of him or she just doesn't like him hehehe

OK now you have met my family, you will read about our highs and lows, i hope you enjoy my future blogs :)

Introducing the Gang

OK now i have popped my cherry, let me introduce my brood.

We have Mrs T she is the eldest of my mob, she was my "crash test dummy" I learned a lot from her like how painful giving birth can be. I had a lot of learning to do as I had never been a Mum before. I must not have done too bad though, Mrs T finished her studies, became a hard working 2ND in charge of a local business, and is now married to Mr M with 2 beautiful little kidlets Master S and Miss E.

Then comes Boof, he is 2ND in bunch, he had it reasonably easier as i had some practice being a Mum. He has finished his studies and has been a sandwich technician for the past 3 years, he has just recently changed jobs. Boof is my computer whizz, he plays "wow" and i occasionally see him as he goes through the house for a drink, in between raids, he is single but that's cool he is still young.

OK then comes Mum2be the name says it all, we have just recently discovered that even condoms are not always safe. But of course the younger generation know all, this is something no book can prepare you for. I was a lot older when I became a Mum, and it was hard for me but she will have her own bub in 8 months then she will discover the meaning of labor pains, I really cant wait to be a Nana again it is the best

I then had my 4Th youngen Beanie, she is a trooper she has a temper like no one i know, in fact in the last 3 months I have had to replace our  LCD television and my iPhone 4. She has promised me this will never happen again. News flash it better not. She is precious and wants to help everyone and she loves being an Aunty.

Last but not least is my Duckie, she is a sweetie most of the time as are all my kids. Some of the things she comes out with make my sides hurt from laughing. She has a birthday coming up in 3 weeks so we are organising a "movie and intencity" party, it is going to be awesome, I cant wait. She only told me the other day I am going to be the fun Aunty probably because she is only 7yrs older than Master S.